Soft goods for overheads
- Single & double nets
- 1/4 stop silk
- 1/2 soft frost
- China silk
- Poly silk
- Solid black
- 1/4 sailcloth (gridcloth) noisy or silent
- 1/2 sailcloth (gridcloth) noisy or silent
- Full sailcloth (gridcloth) noisy or silent
- Bleached muslin
- Unbleached muslin
- B/W griffolyn
- Ultra-bounce
- Silver lame (Elvis)
- Silver/gold lame (Lisa-marie)
- Green screen
- Digital Green screen
- Blue screen
- All 12’x12’ goods
- 12’x12’ Green/blue screens
- All 12’x20′ goods
- All standard 20’x20’ goods
Specialty 20’x20’ goods (1/2 soft frost, china silk…) - 20’x20’ Green/blue screens
Reflector Boards
- 4’x4’ Silver reflector
- 4’x4’ Mirror board
- 4’x4’ Gold reflector
- Baby stand
- Junior stand
- Junior roller
- Super crank-o-vator
- Crank-o-vator
- Low crank-o-vator
- Mini-vator or Panel stand
- American Blackbird (up to 18′)
- Road Runner
- “Boa” short crank stand
- Hi-hi roller
- Mombo-combo
- Condor clamp
Other Grip
- Sandbags
- Furniture pads
- Apple boxes
Chimera Boxes & Accessories
- Daylight small plus
- Daylight medium plus
- Daylight large plus
- Daylight Senior plus
- Daylight Jr. extra small plus
- Daylight Jr. small plus
- Daylight Jr. medium plus
- Quartz small plus
- Quartz medium plus
- Quartz large plus
- Video Pro small plus
- Video Pro medium plus
- Pancake lantern small
- Pancake lantern medium
- Pancake lantern large
- All chimera speedrings
Please specify quartz, daylight, daylight Jr,. or video pro and size - Fabric-grid 40 small
- Fabric-grid 40 medium
Chimera Diffusion Dimensions
Extra small: 16” x 22”
Small: 24” x 32”
Medium: 36” x 48”
Large: 54” x 72”